"Previously On" directed by Ben Stoddard for the New York Television Festival (2011)
 Print advertisement for Iris by Lowe's
 Narrative-style product film for Prism's InWatchZ smart watch by HCFmedia
 "Counselor" directed by Stephen Roll (2015)
 Filming "An Immortal Man," for ESPN's series "30 for 30" 
 Narrative-style product film for Prism's InWatchZ smart watch by HCFmedia
 XOWi Smart Badge advertising campaign
 "Previously On" directed by Ben Stoddard for the New York Television Festival (2011)

"Previously On" directed by Ben Stoddard for the New York Television Festival (2011)

 Print advertisement for Iris by Lowe's

Print advertisement for Iris by Lowe's

 Narrative-style product film for Prism's InWatchZ smart watch by HCFmedia

Narrative-style product film for Prism's InWatchZ smart watch by HCFmedia

 "Counselor" directed by Stephen Roll (2015)

"Counselor" directed by Stephen Roll (2015)

 Filming "An Immortal Man," for ESPN's series "30 for 30" 

Filming "An Immortal Man," for ESPN's series "30 for 30" 

 Narrative-style product film for Prism's InWatchZ smart watch by HCFmedia

Narrative-style product film for Prism's InWatchZ smart watch by HCFmedia

 XOWi Smart Badge advertising campaign

XOWi Smart Badge advertising campaign